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  • Faculty
  • Arlette Ngoubene-Atioky
  • Arlette Ngoubene-Atioky

    Associate ProfessorPsychology

    Areas of Expertise: Social determinants of health of international communities (immigrants, refugees, international students, foreign nationals), intersectionality and well-being, cross-cultural psychology, psychology of working

    Dr. Ngoubene Atioky (she/her/hers) is an Associate Professor in the Center for Psychology at Goucher College. Dr. Ngoubene Atioky obtained her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Lehigh University. Her dissertation was on the life experiences of adolescent war refugees and the social services at the disposition of refugee youth. Dr. Ngoubene Atioky was an extern at the World Health Organization European Collaborating Centre on Health, Psychosocial, and Psychobiological Factors in Brussels, Belgium where she gained experience in refugee mental health, suicidology research and services, and juvenile residential social services. Dr. Ngoubene Atioky previously taught courses at Chatham University on multicultural competence and mental health practice training.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    Perceptions of the multicultural ideology of immigration amongst undergraduate psychology students in France and in the U.S. (under peer review)

    The employment barriers and successes of international psychologists (under development)

    LGB identity acceptance in Black families (under development)

    Food, eating, identity, and wellbeing of younger 1.5 and 2nd-generation immigrant Black women originating from Sub-Saharan Africa (under development)

    Identity-related issues and resources of salience to Black counseling psychology doctoral students (under development)


    Liu, X., Ngoubene-Atioky, A.,Yang, X., Deng, Y., Tang, J., Wu, L., Huang, L., Zheng, Y., Fang, J., Kaur, A., & Chen, L. (2024). The Effect of Childhood Family Adversity on Adulthood Depression among Chinese Older Migrant Workers: Gender Differences in the Mediating Role of Social-ecological Systems. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 2005. Doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-19397-7.

    Zou, Y., Lu, Y., Zhou, F., Liu, X., Ngoubene-Atioky, A.J., Xu, K., Hong, L., Shen, G., Wu, H., Cai, Z., Liu, Y., Chen, L., & Bao, D. (2022) Three Mental Health Symptoms of Frontline Medical Staff Associated With Occupational Stressors During the COVID-19 Peak Outbreak in China: The Mediation of Perceived Stress and the Moderation of Social Support. Frontiers Psychology. 13:888000. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.888000

    Zheng, F., Wu, W., Wang, L., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., & Chen, L. (2021). Childhood trauma and suicidal ideation among Chinese female prisoners: The mediating roles of negative emotions and social support. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110405.

    Zhang, X., Zhao, K., Zhang, G., Feng, R., Chen, J., Xu, D., Liu, X., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Huang, H., Liu, Y., Chen, L., & Wang, W. (2020). Occupational stress and mental health: a comparison between frontline medical staff and non-frontline medical staff during the 2019 novel coronavirus disease outbreak. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1543.

    Chen, L., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Zanardelli, G., Yuanping, D., & Yu, L. (2019). Childhood abuse and suicidal behaviors among Chinese migrant workers: the mediating role of alexithymia and social support. Archives of suicide research, 1-15.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Case, J., Tokplo, L., & Baur, C. (2019). Migration trends and dietary patterns in Sub-Saharan African adult immigrants: A comparative analysis of populations in France, the UK, and the USA. Migration Studies, 9 (3), 1116-1143.

    Chen, L., & Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. (2019). Does Number of Children Moderate the Link between Intimate Partner Violence and Marital Instability among Chinese Female Migrant Workers?. Sex Roles80  (11-12), 745-757.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Lu, C., Muse, C., & Tokplo, L. (2019). The influence of intersectional identities on the employment integration of Sub-Saharan African women immigrants in the US. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 18 (1), 75-94.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Williamson-Taylor, C., Inman, A. G., & Case, J. (2017). Psychotherapists' Empathy for Childfree Women of Intersecting Age and Socioeconomic Status. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 39 (3), 211-224.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., & Williamson-Taylor, C. (2016). Culturally based health assumptions in Sub-Saharan African immigrants: Body mass index predicting self-reported health status. Journal of health psychology, 24 (6), 750-760.

    Watroba, L., Eckley, J., & Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. (2016). A Critical Analysis of Acculturation, Sociocultural Pressures, Body Image, and Disordered Eating among Asian Immigrants in Australia, Canada, and the United States. In C. Roland-Lévy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski, & W. K. Gabrenya Jr. (Eds.), Unity, diversity and culture. Proceedings from the 22nd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology

    Ngoubene Atioky, A. J. (2012). Life experiences of constructively adapting adolescent war refugees in Eastern U.S. and in the Greater area of Vancouver in Canada. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

    Inman, A. G., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Ladany, N., & Mack, T. (2009). School counselors in international school: Critical issues and challenges. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 31(2), 80-99.

    Baro, F., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Toye, J., & Van de Gucht, M. (2009). How to help survivors of suicide loss. Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention: A Global Perspective, 615-618.

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    $1,800 Connected Classroom Faculty Scholarship awarded by the Stevens Institute to co-develop syllabus and co-facilitate connected classrooms on intergroup dialogue and global mental health perspectives (2021-2022).

    $4,000 Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) Campus Innovation Grant (co-PI) - Advancing the Leadership Practices for Interfaith Excellence (2018-2019).

    APA Early Career Achievement Award, APA Early Career Psychologist Committee (2018).

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Malik, S., Kamal, M.(H.), Planté, A., Barry-Ruiz, A., & Cabirou, L. “Eating, body image, identity, and wellbeing of African female immigrants in France, the U.K., and the U.S.” Presentation at the International Psychology poster session of the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington D.C., in August 2023.

    Olson, J. Morse, A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, D. Hamilton, J. Baron, J. Unterberger, A. Barner-Watson, & R. Dinishenskaya. “Co-creating sustainable and healthful communities: a microcounseling skills training and engagement with a refugee and immigrant youth summer camp,” Presentation at the Society for Community Research and Action poster session at the American Psychological Association virtual conference in August 2020.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Daruwalla, S., Hwang, B. J., Hua, V., Suzuki, H. “Who am I? The unique identity-related factors of international psychologists,” Counseling Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.  (conference cancelled)

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A .J., Hwang, B. J., Daruwalla, S., Outten, A. Successes and barriers in the internship training and career search of Counseling Psychology international students. Counseling Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States. (conference cancelled)

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, S. Daruwalla, Hwang, B., W-C V. Hua, H. Suzuki. “The identity-related factors of salience to international psychologists.” Presentation at the early career psychologists poster session at the American Psychological Association, Chicago in August 2019.

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, G. Zanardelli, C. Williamson-Taylor, J. Morse, I. Okozi, D. Benson, & J. Cyranowski. “Academic Functioning of Black Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students”, Presentation at the early career psychologists poster session at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco in August 2018.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Tisserant, P., Wagner, A.-L., Heiser, N., and Jackson, J. "Cross-cultural perceptions of immigration and diversity among French and U.S. psychology students". American Psychological Association Convention (Washington D.C.), August 2017

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, “Mental health, acculturation, and self-reported health status of Sub-Saharan African immigrants in the U.S”, Symposium at the International Congress of Psychology on Contextual Factors, Acculturation Process, and Mental Health of Immigrants in Japan and the U.S., Yokohama, Japan, July, 2016.

    Blustein, D., Buzukashvili, T., Cinamon, R.G., Flum, H., Hwang, B.J., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Suzuki, H., & Wang, Y.-W. "Understanding work issues for world citizens in the 21st century". Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Toronto, ON, Canada), August 2015.

    Watroba, L., Barnoski, K., Hecht, C., & Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "Dietary acculturation, BMI, and the self-reported health status of Sub-Saharan African immigrants". Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Toronto, ON, Canada), August 2015.

    Goff, W., White, S., Schlegel, L., O'Shea, M., and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual unity among families of African American/Black descent". Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Toronto, ON, Canada), August 2015.

    Case, J., Baur, C., Eckley, J., Watroba, L., and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "Acculturation and diet in Sub-Saharan immigrants: A comparative analysis of populations in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States". Annual congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (Reims, France), July 2014.

    Watroba, L., Eckley, J., Baur, C., Case, J., and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "The Predictability of acculturation on body image and disordered eating among Asian immigrants" The Annual Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (Reims, France), July 2014.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Watroba, L., Baur, C., and Case, J. "Acculturation and diet of African immigrants of Black descent". American Psychological Association Division 45 biennial research conference (Eugene, Oregon), June 2014.

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, C. Baur, L. Watroba, and J. Case, “Unity for non-heterosexuality among families of African descent”, Poster at the American Psychological Association Division 45 Conference, Eugene, Oregon, June, 2014.

    S. Ettigi and A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, “Ethical or not? Managing ethical dilemmas in a global context within supervision”, Roundtable session at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association on Choices, challenges, change, and chances: A new face of supervision and training in counseling psychology, Washington D.C., USA, August, 2011.

    S. Ettigi and A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, “Ethical or not? Managing ethical dilemmas in a global context within supervision”, Roundtable session at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association on Choices, challenges, change, and chances: A new face of supervision and training in counseling psychology, Washington D.C., USA, August, 2011.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Spokane, A., Hafer, J., and Klinger, S. "Life experiences of constructively adapting adolescent war refugees". The annual conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Geneva, Switzerland), June 2011.

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, “Promoting APAGS membership and involvement”, Panel session at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association on Division Student Representative Network (DSRN) business meeting: Promoting student membership and involvement, San Diego, California, USA, August, 2010.

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, “APAGS strategies for recruitment, retention, and engagement of the next generation of psychologists”, Panel session at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2009. Found here.

    A. J. Ngoubene-Atioky, “Clinical versus I/O executive coaching boundaries – Mock licensing board hearing” (Acting role of court deputy). Paper presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2009.

    Richardson, T.Q., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., and Mori, Y. "Perspectives and needs of international students". Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Boston, Massachusetts), August 2008.

    Duan, C., Ping-Hwa, C., and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "Globalization and indigenization of Counseling Psychology around the world". International Counseling Psychology Conference (Chicago, Illinois), March 2008.

    Inman, A. G., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., and Ladany, N. "Professional development needs for counselors in international schools". International Counseling Psychology Conference (Chicago, Illinois), March 2008.

    Ladany, N. and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "International students’ social and informal hour: Supervision". International Counseling Psychology Conference (Chicago, Illinois), March 2008.

    Vajk, F. and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "Globalization and indigenization of Counseling Psychology around the world: Africa/South Africa". the International Counseling Psychology Conference (Chicago, Illinois), March 2008.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. and Richardson, T. "Skin color and attractiveness: An international perspective". Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (San Francisco, California), August 2007.

    Cruza-Guet, M. C. and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "The relationship between acculturation, gender roles, and close interpersonal relationships among Hispanic females". The annual International Association of Relationship Research (Boston, Massachusetts), July 2007.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. and Hayling, C. "The experience of African graduate students and the role of counseling psychologists". The annual National Black Counseling Psychology Conference (Washington D.C.), April 2007.

    Hayling, C. and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "The intersection of racial and ethnic identity among Hispanic immigrant populations". Boston College Diversity Challenge (Boston, Massachusetts), October 2006.

    Inman, A. G., Ladany, N., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., and Mack, T. R. "Counseling in global communities: Example of international schools and USSR". The annual conference of American Psychological Association (New Orleans, Louisiana), August 2006.

    Mori, Y., Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Brooks, L., and Inman, A. G. "Supervision of international students: Needs and future direction for multicultural/cross-cultural supervision". The annual conference of American Psychological Association (New Orleans, Louisiana), August 2006.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Fine, S. G., and Williamson-Taylor, C. "Bilingualism in supervision process and outcome". The annual conference of the Society of Psychotherapy Research (Edinburgh, Scotland), June 2006.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. and Richardson, T. Q. "More milk in your coffee? Skin color bias in career counseling". The annual conference of the Middle Atlantic Society of Psychotherapy Research (St Mary's City, Maryland), October 2005.

    Boyd, D., Ladany, N., and Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J. "LGB Training Issues in Supervision". The annual convention of the American Psychological Association (Washington D.C.), August 2005.

    Ngoubene-Atioky, A. J., Boyd, D., Brooks, L. and Ladany, N. "LGB Training Issues in Supervision". The annual conference of the Society Psychotherapy Research (Montréal, Québec), June 2005.

    Invited Talks

    Invited speaker, panel session on the Stevens Initiative “The Connected Classrooms Experience” at the Association of International Education Administrators Thematic Forum. Spring 2022.

    Invited speaker, seminar of the Delta Upsilon Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, Duquesne University. Spring 2017. The title of the seminar was “Women Scholars in Counseling Today: Sharing Experiences on Multiculturalism and Social Justice”.

    Guest speaker, Network of European Union Centres of Excellence, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2016. Co-presented on the cultural attribution of the Cameroonian society.

    Guest speaker, Three Rivers TESOL Spring Meeting, Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA. Spring 2015. Presented on the personal and academic experiences of U.S. international students who learned English as another language.

    Guest speaker, the Educational Program, Public Affairs Section, Embassy of the United States, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Spring 2014. Presentation explored the experiences of international students from Africa in the U.S.: the acculturation process, admission procedures, immigration requirements, and the U.S. academic culture.

    Honorary guest, Women’s Leadership Symposium of the International School Services, NJ. Summer 2007.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Co-founder, Network of African Psychologists (NAP), International Section of Counseling Psychology, Division 17 of the American Psychological Association.

    Interim webmaster of the ICP official website, International Section of Counseling Psychology (ICP), Division 17 of the American Psychological Association.

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    2023-2025 Review Editor of the Editorial Board of Organizational Psychology, Frontiers inPsychology and Frontiers in Communication.

    Ad Hoc Reviewer

    Teaching of Psychology

    Diversity in Higher Education

    BMJ Open

    BMC Psychiatry

    BMC Public Health

    Health Psychology

    Health Psychology Open

    Health Education Journal

    International Journal of Environmental and Public Health

    Research in Gender Studies

    Rowman & Littlefield publication

    International Section (ICP) of the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17)